Simon holds a senior position at the Institute of Global Food Security, Queen’s University Belfast, where his interests lie in livestock health & welfare, One Health & sustainability, and international trade & investment in the animal health & veterinary sectors.
Prior to his presidency of the British Veterinary Association in 2018-19, he was the Animal Health & Aquaculture Sector Specialist for the UK Department for International Trade and has over two decades of experience in veterinary practice, industry, academia and professional representation.
Simon was one of the Founding Directors of Vet Sustain. He was previously the Chair of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) FishMedPlus Coalition and of the FVE Food Safety & Sustainability Working Group and was the Founding Chair of the UK One Health Coordination Group. He chaired the BVA Sustainable Aquaculture Working Group which developed a policy position on UK Sustainable Finfish Aquaculture. Last year, he was appointed to the Executive Board of the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association as the Director at Large for Europe.