Like many other veterinary professionals working in the aquatic health field, I have always been fascinated by fish and other aquatic animals so it was only natural at university to try and combine my veterinary degree with the aquatic world I had such fondness for. Unfortunately, aquatic teaching was minimal whilst I was at university so I did this by volunteering on my weekends at Bristol Aquarium to build up my general husbandry skill set and later spending six weeks of clinical extra mural studies (EMS) at The National Aquarium of Baltimore. This experience was fantastic and absolutely cemented my aspirations in place of wanting to work with fish in a public aquarium setting after graduation.
After graduation, I took place in a fish health masterclass run by Dr Richmond Loh, based out in Perth, Western Australia. This was a great experience and really allowed be to hone in on the ‘day one’ skills expected of a fish vet working with ornamental fish species.
Shortly after the course, I set up my company, London Aquatic Veterinary Services. London Aquatic Veterinary Services is a 100% mobile fish veterinary clinic. I travel around the Greater London area helping members of the public with their pet fish and any ailments they may have. The majority of my work is pet koi and goldfish but I also now consult for four public aquaria in England which is fantastic and allows me to further my ultimate passion of public aquarium medicine, encompassing all types of aquatic life!